Jacob Crowe

C#, .NET Core, SQL, Git, ASP.NET MVC, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Project maintained by jcrowe91 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Software Developer and Machinist.

PDF Resume

Hello there, my name is Jake. After a rewarding decade-long career in manufacturing, I’ve decided to learn to code.
I’ve always enjoyed technology, as well as working with my hands, so CNC programming led me to C# programming.


TrueCoders — Advanced Technical Training
Aug 2021 - Feb 2022

TrueCoders is a project and lecture-based training program that aims to fill the growing need for data science and software development jobs in Alabama. Projects include multiple personal and group-oriented tasks that involve multiple programming languages throughout the program. Over 500 hours of intensive, project-based training in programming languages and other technical skills, such as C#, .NET Core, SQL, Git, ASP.NET MVC, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
These skills were developed by building multiple C# and SQL projects.
C# and SQL Projects were tracked using Git and GitHub for source control.

TrueCoders Certificate
SoloLearn C# Certificate
SoloLearn SQL Certificate

Project Portfolio:

My personal Github repository is linked at the top of this page, as well as below in Contact Information. Here I’ll showcase a few projects I’ve built, as well as give some insights to how the code works and I’ll link directly to the repo:

Phonebook Application -A fully functional application that will take in user contact information, allow for CRUD operations, and save to/read from a .csv file. Also includes an API.
-Video Demo

KanyeREST API Application -C# .Net Core Application where I use two different APIs to obtain quotes from Kanye West as JSON Objects, and quotes from Ron Swanson as JSON Arrays. The quotes are then used to simulate a conversation between the two.
-Video Demo

TheStoicRobot -C# application using Twitter’s API and developer platform to automate tweeting out quotes from noteable Stoics set to a certain timeframe.

ASP.NET MVC Project -ASP.NET MVC Framework used to create a project that allows for CRUD operations to be used with a MySQL Database.

Taco Parser -C# .NET Core Application where I parse data from a csv file to reference Taco Bell Locations. That data is then used to calculate the distance between the two locations that are farthest apart.

Work Experience:

-A & W Machine Shop, Birmingham Alabama— Lead Machinist
July 2010 - April 2022

I’ve spent over a decade working in machine shops. For the most part, I’ve worked as a lead machinist at A & W Machine, learning to operate every machine and piece of equipment available to me. This includes lathes (including Verticle Turret Lathes), milling machines, boring mills, threading machines, overhead cranes, etc. I am a certified forklift operator.

-Zorn Molds, Trafford Alabama — CNC Machinist
Septemeber 2020 - March 2021

I left there for a while while I was working on my degree to go learn about Computer Numeric Controlled machining. This is a high end, fast-paced process to make extremely precise parts using CAD/CAM and GCode, a programming language using numbers. I started to work at Zorn Molds, which I had worked part-time in the afternoon until they offered me a full-time position. I learned a lot at Zorn about making high-quality parts for molding machines. I also learned KANBAN systems, as well as some experience in woodworking and 3D printing.

-MetSouth, Hanceville Alabama — CNC Machinist
March 2021 - September 2021

From there I was offered an apprenticeship at MetrologySouth, a company that works in the automotive and aerospace industry. I got to learn about Computer-Aided Design and programming on multi-axis machines. I also got experience in welding and fabricating while I was there.

-Hexagon, Madison Alabama - ServiceNow Developer
April 2022 - Present

I finally got a job working as a developer on the ServiceNow platform. I use JavaScript as well as do sysadmin duties, Devops, and AWS for telephony services. I get to work with a very talented group of developers, and I’m very thankful for the opportunity.

Contact Information

If you would like to get in touch with me feel free to send an email to: jcrowe9119@gmail.com

My Github.